Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Just a Kibble

"Of course. It was me and my two brothers, there was a dog in the house, of course we're going to try the dog food."


"You want a date right now?"
-Ginny, on the phone with a "client"

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Funny for so many reasons

"She's not ugly. She's a heavy-set black woman, but she's not ugly."
-Ben, on the phone with the boss

My response to this text was "HAHAHA"

From: Andy Wang
301 has tenants now, and they are bizoning

Thu Feb 11, 3:38pm
To: Andy Wang

Thu Feb 11, 3:39pm
From: Andy Wang
Boning. But with more bow chicka bow wow.

Thu Feb 11, 3:45pm